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Frequently Asked Questions


Do You Offer free consultations?

We offer free over the phone consultations.  Simply be as descriptive as you can be about your community cat, or feral outdoor cat situation, and be prepared to explain it so that we can clearly understand.    In person consultation will require a minimal payment of around 30 to 50 dollars depending on the situation.    We will charge it out before arriving at your neighborhood or location

Which Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept venmo, cash, and checks right now

Do You Charge By the Hour?

We only charge by the job.  A quote is given before we begin working for your outdoor cats.  We work on our skills to provide help to community cats in a timely, predictable, safe fashion.  If local residents are helpful, it expedites the process of helping the cats, and we factor that into the cost.    For instance, if you're able to assist in helping with getting the cats used to a predictable feeding schedule so that we can come out and catch them easier during the feeding time, that can save us hours.  Also, if you only want to rent supplies like cat traps or cat deterrent devices to keep cats out of your yard, it'll save you money with a labor discount.  You'll aslo be contributing to helping the Tampa Cat Population. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you help kittens and cats get adopted?

If you have kittens or cats that you want to be adopted, we can offer a service attempting to contact the local rescue groups to try and get the kittens and cats adopted.  If you have plenty of time on your hands, we can give you a few resource pages with cat rescue groups to contact.  We would simply charge an initial fee of $50 to start the process, and then give you a quote for the remaining fee once we understand your cat adoption situation.  We'll  always try to keep the fees as low as we can, but fees that are too low won't do any good for the cats and the adoption process

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